
Circle Craft

Circle Craft Co-operative is pleased to present my “Beautiful Vessels to Enrich & Inspire,” in their gallery, located in the Net Loft on Granville Island, from Friday, August 29th to Monday, September 29th.

The rhythmic pulse of creativity overwhelms body and soul, vulnerability abandoned as my passion flows into the clay. Hours pass, I emerge, exhausted and overwhelmed by the beauty of what has poured out of me.

1666 Johnston Street, Net Loft, Granville Island, Vancouver BC V6H 3S2

Circle Craft Co-operative is a unique BC Artist Cooperative dedicated to providing opportunities for craftspeople to connect with the community. Formed in 1973, Circle Craft has grown to become a major force in the marketing and promotion of quality craft, utilizing a ‘direct from the artist’ approach. Built on a reputation for integrity and quality, both our annual Christmas Market and the shop and gallery on Granville Island are Vancouver traditions for locals and visitors alike, and encompass a wide variety of media and design styles. Circle Craft is self-sustaining and is supported by commission on sales and participation fees. Our 1994 mission statement reflects the aims of our founding members: “to promote the development, recognition and success of members and their work.” We are proud of our achievement in fulfilling our mission: Circle Craft is one of the most successful organizations of its kind in North America. For more information:www.circlecraft.net

Fired Up! 30thOur 30th anniversary show, “A Toast To Clay”.  Fired Up! featured some of the finest potters in Western Canada and is the longest running pottery collective in Canada.

“Fired Up! A Toast To Clay”
Metchosin Community Hall
4401 William Head Rd.
Victoria, BC

For our anniversary, the Fired Up! show and exhibition celebrated our past, present and future. Past core members had their work in the Central Theme Gallery along with the 10 present core members and six young guest potters. The six younger potters who chose to showcase their work were invited because Fired Up! members admire their work, a nod to the future of clay in Canada.

Fired Up! exists today because the members continue to grow in skill and personal expression. Their work has been featured in many shows and exhibitions across Canada and the United States.  This is a show not to be missed!

Continue reading “Fired Up! 30th Anniversary Show”

Pendulum Gallery

Circle Craft returned to the Pendulum Gallery for a special show of Innovative craft designs from the past 40 years. Mary exhibited in August 2013.

Pendulum Gallery, HSBC Building
885 West Georgia, Vancouver BC V6C 3E8

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Continue reading “Circle Craft Vancouver Exhibition – 40 Years and Beyond”

Finding Your PassionIn June, I made a presentation called Shaping Dharma through Creativity at Red Door Yoga in Lantzville, BC.


It was about a journey into finding and handling your passion in a way that allows your dharma to take shape!  I addressed the questions: “Passion, how do we find it?”, “When we do find it, how do we handle it?”, “Do we embrace it fully, dive into it and go where it leads? Or, are we intimidated by its power and scared to embrace it?”

In this lecture, I shared how I have learned over the years to follow my creative passion and where that has taken me.  And with honesty and enthusiasm, I shared some of the creative and personal challenges I have met along the way.

“Spiritually nourishing!”
– SP

“The willingness of the presenter to be transparent, vulnerable, and personal enabled me to make an emotional heart connection.”
– BH

“I knew of and had seen Mary’s work, but had no idea of the story behind it. It was as if she spoke directly to my own struggles as a small business owner and artist.”
– B

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Please get in touch if you would like me to speak at your event.

I gave a presentation to the Tri City Potters in November and have been getting  feedback from some of the potters that were there that night. Every lecture I give is different as I taylor them to the group….this group was all potters and they kept me on my toes with lots of great questions all night. This comment is from one of the potters that was there, thought I’d share it with you.

” I really enjoyed your presentation at Tri Cities Pottery Guild.  I was the one on your right asking questions about form.  Your forms are superlative and something I aspire to.  You said a fraction of an inch off at any spot will make the difference between just a vase and a vase full of life. You said the best way to improve is to study your own work. A thousand watt light bulb went off in my head.  It was the precise answer I had been looking for.  I used to toss the ones I didn’t like; they made me uncomfortable.   Now I set them out to be contemplated so I can perceive what to do differently.  Thanks Mary!  Love ya!!! ”

Thanks for the feedback, Wendey, I’m glad that my talk was helpful to you. I remember when I first started keeping the pots I wasn’t so happy with, it was a turning point for me too…that what makes us uncomfortable…sometimes that’s exactly where we need to focus and learn.

Till next time, Fox that Pots….


October 5, 2012 – February 3, 2013

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

Mary exhibited at the Back to the Land exhibition at 1040 Moss Street in Victoria to February 2013. The Opening Reception was held at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria in October 2012.

Back to the Land piece
Back to the Land piece

Back to the Land: Ceramics from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands 1970-1985 presented the work of 31 ceramic artists working on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands in the 1970s and 1980s. Guest curated by Diane Carr, the exhibition emphasized the “back to the land” movement of the early 1970s as the impetus for the explosion of ceramic activity in this region.

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Mary Fox at Filberg Festival 2012
Mary at the Filberg Festival 2012

Mary was the guest artist at the Filberg Festival, held in Comox on Vancouver Island in August.

Loved being the Guest Artist at the Filberg Festival, this was the 30th year for the Festival and I can see why it’s such a popular event. Four days in a wonderful park surrounded by really great Artisans with live music to enjoy as well… what could be better. Oh, I know what made it better…. great food as well, gotta love that! I met lots of new people that now have Mary Fox works in their homes, 2 of my sculptures have new digs 🙂 and was reacquainted with some long time collectors that I haven’t seen in many years. A good time for sure.

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